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Team Leader: Final Evaluation of USAID Linkages for Small and Medium Enterprises (LinkSME)

Team Leader
Final Evaluation of USAID Linkages for Small and Medium Enterprises (LinkSME)
USAID Learns Contract
Hanoi, Vietnam

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Note: This post is open to both local and international candidates.

About Social Impact

Social Impact (SI) is a global development management consulting firm. We provide monitoring, evaluation, strategic planning, and capacity-building services to advance development effectiveness. We work across all development sectors including democracy and governance, health and education, the environment, and economic growth. Since 1997 we have worked in over 100 countries for clients such as US government agencies, bilateral donors, multilateral development banks, foundations, and nonprofits.

Project Objective

SI is implementing the USAID/Vietnam Learns Contract (USAID Learns). The scope of the five-year project is to support USAID/Vietnam staff and partners to implement more efficient, effective, and transparent programs by improving: (1) USAID and Implementing Partner (IP) capacity to achieve expected results; (2) USAID’s understanding and tracking of project performance; and (3) collaboration, learning, and adapting (CLA).

Background and Purpose

USAID/Vietnam tasked USAID Learns to conduct a final performance evaluation of the USAID-funded Linkages for Small and Medium Enterprises (LinkSME) activity. LinkSME is a five-year project that aims to strengthen the SME-lead firm Business Linkage Framework and enhance Vietnamese SMEs’ capacity to participate in supply chains. The primary Government of Vietnam (GVN) counterpart for LinkSME is the Office of the Government (OOG) and Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI).

LinkSME works under the theory of change that to achieve systemic changes, operating environment changes need to occur. If linkages and connections between these most-ready domestic SMEs and lead firms are facilitated and the operating environment is improved, then more firms will broadly adopt this approach thereby institutionalizing stronger SME-lead firm business relationships and accelerating domestic SME growth. To achieve its objectives, LinkSME implements four components. Three components focus on technical assistance. The fourth focuses on how LinkSME’s financial and administrative unit supports the technical efforts. The formal names of the three technical components are as follows:  

  • Component 1: Promoting Institutional Reform, Streamlining Regulations and Administrative Procedures, Cutting Down Compliance Cost to Enhance the Competitiveness of SMEs.
  • Component 2: Promoting an E-Government to Improve Government-to-Business Interactions, and Facilitate SMEs’ Investment, Business and International Integration.
  • Component 3: Improving SMEs’ Supply Capacity and Strengthening Business Linkages between SMEs and Global Value Chains.

Purpose of Evaluation

The purpose of this evaluation is to capture lessons and effective approaches developed over the course of LinkSME implementation to inform the current activity—Improving Private Sector Competitiveness (IPS-C)—and other USAID follow-on activities in the sector more broadly.

Key audience/users:

  1. Primary (1st audience) - USAID and Implementing Partners – USAID’s Office of Governance and Economic Growth (OGEG) as well as LinkSME and IPS-C to inform follow-on activity implementation and broader future private sector engagement.
  2. Secondary (2nd audience) – GVN counterparts to strengthen coordination and partnership and generate early commitments to change of direction where evidence suggests.
  3. Tertiary (3rd audience) – Business Support Organizations (BSOs) and SMEs for learning around effective SME support and linkage.

Position Description

USAID Learns seeks a consultant to act as a Team Leader to lead this assignment. The team leader will work with a Private Sector Development Specialist and an Evaluation Coordinator to conduct the evaluation.

One staff member from USAID/OGEG may participate in the evaluation as an observer. Technical support and direction will be provided by the USAID Learns Research Team and Social Impact headquarters staff. Logistical coordination and interpretation, as well as scheduling, will be managed by the USAID Learns Research Team in conjunction with USAID/Vietnam and LinkSME.  

Evaluation Questions

The evaluation shall address the following evaluation questions:

  1. Business Enabling Environment Pillar: To what extent did LinkSME technical assistance on policy and regulatory reforms have a perceived sustainable impact on creating a business enabling environment for strengthening the SME-Lead firm business linkage?
  2. Linkages Pillar: To what extent does LinkSME unlock the potential of Vietnamese SMEs to participate in the supply chain?
  3. GVN Coordination: What aspects of LinkSME’s coordination and implementation approach with OOG and MPI are effective at improving the business enabling environment and capacity of Vietnamese SMEs, and where are there opportunities to improve?
  4. BSO Capacity Support: To what extent are BSOs ready to facilitate SMEs’ linkages?
  5. COVID Response: Under the impact of COVID, LinkSME revised its approach to technical assistance. How have the two additional pillars of digital transformation and access to finance supported SMEs in their recovery?

Where possible, evidence to answer these evaluation questions will be disaggregated with a gender and social inclusion (GESI) lens to understand how diverse groups may be benefitting differently or require more tailored consideration when designing approaches.


The evaluation will employ a mixed methods approach using both quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis. Data will be triangulated from different sources including secondary data from a desk review, available assessment studies, reports, and primary data collected from site visits.

The evaluation team will conduct a desk review of available literature including activity documents. The evaluation team will also look at sectoral assessments and other analysis that were used to determine interventions. Methods such as in-depth and key informant interviews and focus group discussions will provide qualitative data for analysis.

The qualitative data collection can be supplemented by quantitative data collection through a mini survey if the evaluation team sees the need to quantify and measure the level of changes and progress that will be captured by qualitative data. The evaluation team will also use secondary quantitative data provided by the implementing partner in regular quarterly and annual reports, performance reporting, and assessments.

Geographically, the evaluation will take place in Hanoi and virtually sample businesses and other stakeholders outside of Hanoi.

The USAID/Vietnam OGEG and LinkSME will provide documents for the desk review, as well as contact information for prospective interviewees. The evaluation team will be responsible for identifying and reviewing additional materials relevant to the evaluation, as well as additional contacts. Illustrative data sources include but are not limited to:

  • Contract document and associated scope of work
  • Analysis or research used to inform the design of LinkSME
  • Activity Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Plan
  • M&E Reports (both internal and external) (e.g., DQA reports, studies, assessments)
  • Annual progress reports and workplans  
  • Any other LinkSME internal reports or summaries related to implementation
  • Relevant national/sector policies and plans from Vietnamese partners
  • Relevant documents from other donors in the sector
  • USAID Evaluation Policy
  • Governance for Inclusive Growth (GIG) Evaluation
  • Trade Facilitation Program (TFP) Evaluation
  • A list of Point of Contacts

Deliverables and Timelines

The assignment is set to commence in late January 2023. The evaluation inception will tentatively take place January – February, allowing for implementation (e.g., data collection) to begin March 2023. Data collection must be prioritized for March and early April to be mindful of LinkSME closing down technical implementation by June 2023. An indicative list of deliverables and its corresponding timelines is set out in the table below.


Involved stakeholders


Tentative Timeline

Kick-off Meeting with USAID

USAID OGEG, Learns, IP, GVN, and other stakeholders

  • Introductions
  • Finalization of the scope of work
  • Confirm expected deliverables and timelines

January 2023

Desk Review


  • Review of available literature

January 2023

Inception Report

USAID OGEG, Learns, and IP

- Elaboration on the methodology and approach to the evaluation; including

  • a detailed evaluation design matrix that links the Evaluation Questions in the SOW to data sources, methods, and the data analysis plan,
  • draft questionnaires and other data collection instruments or their main features;

- Presentation of the workplan for the qualitative and quantitative studies, including the list of planned interviewees and proposed selection criteria and/or sampling plan;

- Estimation of the known limitations to the evaluation design.

February 2023


USAID OGEG, Learns, IP, GVN stakeholders

  • to discuss with USAID, IP, and GVN about the team’s understanding of the assignment and review the evaluation design before launching primary data collection

February 2023

Data collection

USAID OGEG, Learns, IP, and other stakeholders

  • Collection of qualitative data through KIIs, FGDs;
  • Collection of primary quantitative data through mini survey; and secondary quantitative data through regular quarterly and annual reports, performance reporting, and assessments

March – April 2023

Preliminary Analysis Matrix


  • Ongoing analysis of data

April, 2023

Validation Event

USAID OGEG, Learns, IP, and other stakeholders

  • Validation of study findings and co-create recommendations

May, 2023

Draft Report

USAID OGEG, Learns, and IP

  • Production of the draft report

May – June, 2023

Out-brief Meeting

USAID OGEG, Learns, IP, and other stakeholders

  • Share findings and recommendations with USAID, IP, and other stakeholders
  • USAID provides guidance to finalize the report

June, 2023

Utilization Event

USAID OGEG, Learns, IP, and other stakeholders

  • Promote research utilization
  • Users jointly agree on how to operationalize recommendations, collaborate, and to follow-up on progress

July, 2023

Final Report

USAID OGEG, Learns, and IP

  • Production of final report and summary documents for wider dissemination

July, 2023

Timelines: January – August 2023
Level of effort (LOE): up to 75 days


  • Lead the development of the evaluation design including methodology, instruments, and workplan
  • Perform desk review and identify additional information required for analysis
  • Conduct and oversee the consultant team to conduct data collection for the evaluation
  • Coordinate team’s ongoing analysis of qualitative and quantitative data  
  • Lead the preparation and presentation of the evaluation design, key findings, and recommendations to USAID together with the evaluation team
  • Write the draft evaluation report with support from the team members, taking into consideration feedback from presentations and consultation workshops
  • Respond to comments on the draft report and prepare final report
  • Work collaboratively with team members throughout design, implementation, analysis, and report writing to complement each other’s areas of expertise


  • A senior professional with experience leading and conducting performance evaluations of private sector engagement and SME technical assistance programs.
  • At least ten years of experience related to management and analysis of private sector engagement, business enabling environment, and SME technical assistance programs.
  • An advanced degree in a discipline related to business administration, economics, or relevant fields.
  • Experience delivering technical assistance on policy and regulatory reforms by working with government officials and other stakeholders to support policy and institutional reform processes toward an improved business enabling environment.
  • Knowledge of USAID rules, regulations, and procedures is desirable.
  • Experience working in Vietnam or similar programs in Southeast Asia.
  • Excellent oral and written skills are required.
  • No relations with LinkSME or International Executive Service Corps (IESC)

USAID and USAID Learns support: Technical support and direction will be provided by USAID OGEG. USAID Learns will provide finance and admin support, and additional logistical coordination, interpretation and facilitation of events when required.

The closing date for application: December 26, 2022. Selection and interviews will be performed constantly and interested candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.

To apply, please merge both your CV and a cover letter into one pdf file and submit it through the online portal.

To learn more about Social Impact, please visit our website:

SI is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, ethnicity, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or protected veteran status.

Only selected candidates will be contacted for an interview. Please, no phone calls, no visits.

Organization: USAID Learns - Social Impact
Location: Hanoi
Application deadline: 2022-12-26
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