VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

Part-time Health Specialist


Part-time Health Specialist

Position summary:      The selected part-time Health Specialist  will support necessary administrative works as well as coordination activities between GDPM (General Department for Preventive Medicine ) and PSI under DFAT funded project for PHEOC.0.

Report to:        PSI’s Program Director

Period:            Up to 85 working days within contract period from January to June 2023

Gross daily rate:  VND 1,600,000/day

Under the guidance of Program Director, the selected part-time health specialist will be responsible to following :

  1. Analyze data and draft report on assessment of private sector engagement (e.g reporting and implementing communicable disease surveillance assessment) using selected software according to Circular 54 - eCDS
  2. Analyze data and provide input for report on assessment of PHEOC’s capacity, readiness, and responsiveness at point of entry (POE)
  3. Collaborate with other experts at GDMP for other related tasks to PHEOC and communicable diseases prevention

Expected deliverables include:

  1. Draft report of private sector engagement in reporting and implementing communicable diseases surveillance that submitted for GDPM leaders to review 
  2. Draft report of Point of Entry (PoE) assessment that submitted for GDPM leader to review
  3. Participate in project activities such as private sector eCDS, PoE assessment including travel to the field. Analyze data and draft reports based on guidance from GDPM/PSI experts
  4. Consolidate the weekly worldwide diseases situation report and submit to GDPM leader and PSI  for weekly update to MoH

Proposals should be submitted to [email protected] no later than January 10, 2023.

Organization: PSI
Application deadline: 2023-01-10
Send application to: [email protected]