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Consultancy Services for design and translation of Better Work Viet Nam Annual Report 2023


Consultancy Services for design and translation of Better Work Viet Nam Annual Report 2023

Duration: April-May 2023

1.        Background

Better Work is an innovative partnership program between the International Labour Organizations and the International Finance Corporation. It aims to improve labour standards and competitiveness in global supply chains. Better Work involves the development of both global tools and country level programs. The focus is in on scalable and sustainable solutions which build cooperation between government, employers and workers’ organizations, and international brands.

In Vietnam, Better Work covers the garment and footwear industries. The programme follows an integrated approach which includes assessment, advisory, and training services at factory level, with industry seminars to promote cross-industry sharing and learning culture. We work with different stakeholders such as MOLISA, VGCL, VCCI, international and local brands, vendors, factories and trade associations, and other relevant organizations that work with the apparel and footwear sectors.

In 2023, Better Work Viet Nam will issue the latest annual report which highlights factories’ assessment results, improvement efforts, and key initiatives from the past year. The report intends to enable quick insights for readers into the recent progress and remaining challenges in the garment sector in Vietnam.

To visualize all key highlights in the report, Better Work seeks a professional consultant/company to design and translate the report (English – Vietnamese).

Better Work Viet Nam Annual Report 2023 will be approximately 20-25 pages in length. The Annual Report of the previous year can be found here:

For more information about the programme see

2.        Scope of work and expected timeline

  • Week 3-4 April, 2023: Recruitment
  • Week 4, April 2023: Briefing with Better Work team about the specific tasks.
  • Week 4, April – Week 1 May, 2023: Design and translation (English to Vietnamese)
  • Week 1-2, May 2023: Receive feedback and edit, final submission of products for the approved concept, handover all materials.

3. Consultant roles and responsibilities:

  • Analysis of brief and relevant documents provided by Better Work
  • Develop design concept based on Better Work branding guidelines, detailed work plan and budget.
  • Work with Better Work Vietnam team and Hanoi office’s Communications Officer to finalize design concept and translation works
  • Be responsible for producing the final product with licensed software and other materials.

4. Deliverables:

  • Translation of the Report (English to Vietnamese only), approximately 20-25 pages in length.
  • Final design of the Report: 2 versions (Vietnamese version and English version) with all working files and relevant materials.

5. Requirements


  • Having proven capacity and extensive experience in design and creativity, and translation works
  • Reference of design products such as publications, brochures, flyer, etc;
  • Knowledge and understanding of the footwear and garment sector, and experience and knowledge of projects funded by UN Agencies is an advantage.

6. Submission of the Proposal

Interested applicants must submit the following document/information (in PDF format) to demonstrate their qualifications.

Technical component:

  • A Letter of interest explaining why they are the most suitable for the work
  • A Curriculum vitae with contact details of 03 clients for whom you have rendered preferably similar services
  • Sample design works (mandatory)

Financial proposal

  • The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount in VND including daily rate of consultancy fees (including VAT/PIT). If quoted in other currency, prices shall be converted to VND at UN Exchange Rate at the submission deadline.
  • The proposal must specify the design and translation fee separately
  • The translation fee should NOT exceed the UN-EU cost norm for translation works in Vietnam (maximum 12 USD/350 words)

Complete applications should be sent to Ms Nguyen Thu Thuy via email address: [email protected] Deadline for Application: 17:00 (Vietnam time), 28 April 2023


Organization: ILO/Better Work Vietnam
Application deadline: 2023-04-28
Send application to: [email protected]