VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

Suppliers for tender package “Composite trash bins and big size trash bags”

WWF-VIET NAM: REQUEST FOR QUOTATION: Composite trash bins and big size trash bags

WWF-Viet Nam would like to invite Suppliers who are interested in our tender package: “Composite trash bins and big size trash bags”

Detailed information of the package can be found at:


Please send your duly signed quotation and other requested documents to mailbox at [email protected], cc email: [email protected]. Your email must have the subject as: “FY23-1770-[ten nha cung cap]- Bao gia cung cap thung rac composite va tui rac kho lon”.

The maximum size per email that WWF-Viet Nam can receive is 25MB.

The deadline for submission is 17:00 ICT, 27th June 2023


Organization: WWF
Application deadline: 2023-06-27
Send application to: [email protected]; [email protected]