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Old Job details

Local green finance experts for the Green PFM project in Vietnam

Job description: Local green finance experts for the Green PFM project in Vietnam

Presentation of Expertise France

A French public agency, Expertise France is a key player in international technical cooperation. It designs and implements projects that sustainably strengthen public policies in developing and emerging countries. As an interdepartmental actor in international technical cooperation, Expertise France is committed to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement. To this end, Expertise France works closely with French public institutions and the European Union to meet the demand of partner countries wishing to strengthen the quality of their public policies to meet these challenges. More specifically, the agency coordinates and implements projects of national or regional scope in the main areas of public action:

  • Democratic, economic and financial governance;
  • Peace, stability and security;
  • Climate, biodiversity and sustainable development;
  • Health and human development.

Presentation of the project

The project – Greening Public Finances in Vietnam – is a TA project in support of the Vietnamese Ministry of Finance aimed at integrating environmental and climate objectives and considerations into public financial management.

The TA project aims to achieve the following OGs and SOs:

OG: The Vietnamese Ministry of Finance has climate- and environmentally-sensitive analysis tools for fiscal policies.

OS: Vietnamese Ministry of Finance incorporates a green taxonomy to identify and evaluate green, neutral and brown spending and revenues in annual and medium-term budgets and develops eligibility criteria for green projects to issue green bonds

The TA project was structured according to 4 components:

  1. Strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Finance in identifying and assessing climate- and environmentally-damaging expenditures and revenues
  2. Support the integration of the National Climate and Environment Strategy into annual budgets and medium-term spending frameworks
  3. Support the Vietnamese Ministry of Finance in issuing green bonds on the financial markets, providing recommendations on the eligibility of green projects based on international green taxonomies and best practices
  4. Strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Finance to develop a carbon market project.

Mission Description

In support of the project manager and the experts of the various themes, the role of the local project expert will be, in particular, to:

  • Provide specific recommendations on how national administrations can move forward with their green budgeting strategy,
  • Address topics related to environmental taxation, green bonds and the carbon market.
  • Participate in preparatory meetings with beneficiaries and gather information for the formulation of recommendations.


  • Holder of a graduate degree (Master) in the sector of sustainable development, economy.
  • Training in public financial management is a plus.


  • Sustainable Finance Specialist with:
  • A good knowledge of local and global environmental and climate issues;
  • Experience in integrating climate issues into monetary policy;
  • A strong command of green bond analysis and evaluation tools (green bonds, social bonds, sustainability bonds, transition bonds, etc.);
  • Experience in the development of responsible investment and the implementation of an SDG financing strategy;
  • Good knowledge of international agreements in terms of the fight against climate change (Paris Agreement); the European Classification of Economic Activities; a good knowledge of Asian issues;
  • Experience in Green Climate Fund (GCF) accreditation;
  • A good knowledge of environmental regulations and law ;
  • Excellent communication skills, diplomacy and sense of human and professional relations;
  • Fluency in English, both written and spoken; Fluency in French is highly recommended; and,
  • Analytical skills and ability to synthesize.

Professional experience required:

  • Good knowledge of the intervention themes (carbon market, environmental taxation and green bonds) and ability to work independently and be a force of proposal;
  • Minimum 5 years of field experience in Vietnam;
  • Experience in the field of international cooperation is highly valued.

If you are strongly interested in this Green PFM project in Vietnam, and have the expertise and experiences outlined above,please send your CV and cover letter in English, as well as three references and their contact, under the reference “Local green finance experts”,  by 31/10/2023 to the attention of Mrs. NGO Hong Nhung ([email protected]). 

  • Start date: December 2023 the latest
  • Duration: 1 year, part-time
  • Location: Expertise France Hanoi

NB: Candidates interested in this opportunity are invited to submit their application as soon as possible, with Expertise France reserving the possibility of pre-screening before that date.

Organization: Expertise France
Application deadline: 2023-10-31
Send application to: [email protected]