World Vision International (WVI) USA – Representative Office in Vietnam is looking for:
Position: WVI MF Senior Internal Control Officer
For detailed Job advertisement, Job description please find on WV Vietnam's career page:
WVI Micro Finance (MF) Senior Internal Control Officer
I. Background:
Micro Finance Program (MFU) – World Vision International (WVI) USA – Representative Office in Vietnam is an independently managed program that promotes transformational development through the provision of micro financial services. MFU was established in 2006.
The mission of the Micro Finance program is to foster improvement in the quality of life among the clients in Vietnam by assisting the economically active poor and graduating the moderate and poorest of the poor into entrepreneurial skills. This will be accomplished through a sustainable Micro Finance program that provides access to loans, insurance and savings within program areas. All aspects of the services that the Micro Finance program delivers are built to lead the development of appropriate models, capacities and systems for micro enterprise development in Vietnam, resulting in sustainable economic development as part of WVI transformational development ministry throughout Area Program (AP) communities.
MF Program is structured in two management levels: central office in Hanoi and branch office at the provincial and/ or regional level. All direct transactions with clients including clients screening, loan processing and loan repayment collection are carried out at the communities’ level through a network of local staff.
At present, MF Program is operating in 11 districts mainly in the north and central of Vietnam.
II. Job purpose:
The Senior Internal Control Officer leads the Internal Control Unit, which assists the WVI Micro Finance Program accomplish its objectives and strategies by bringing a systematic, disciplined and risk-based approach to objectively evaluate and improve the risk management, internal control, and governance processes of the entity. The Senior Internal Control Officer provides recommendations on addressing control weaknesses and managing risks raised in audit engagements, and communicates and collaborates with the appropriate stakeholders, including branch personnel and managers, members of MFU’s management, and the Risk and Audit Committee and VFI Regional Management. The Senior Internal Control Officer’s engagements will cover regular branch audits, special investigations on fraud and other irregularities, thematic reviews of key processes and business units at the head office, and evaluation of grants-funded projects. The Senior Internal Control Officer liaises and coordinates with the VFI Regional Audit Manager for Asia (RAM Asia) to align the audit engagements, methodology, practices, and policies of the Internal Control Unit with the VFI network’s global center of internal audit. Given this, the Senior Internal Control Officer supports WVI Microfinance Program in maintaining high standards of financial and operational stewardship at the level of the branch, head office and support services units, and the national office.
III. Major Responsibilities:
1. Strategic and Annual Internal Audit Planning (10%)
The SICO spearheads the preparation of the annual audit plan and budget. This includes gathering relevant information The SICO spearheads the preparation of the annual audit plan and budget. This includes gathering relevant information and performing analysis and risk assessment necessary for the prioritization of the auditable branches and units/processes, as well as allocating resources. The SICO consults with the audit clients about the planned pipeline of engagements, consults the Regional Audit Manager for Asia and seeks the approval of the Risk and Audit Committee.
Audit Engagement Planning
The activities in the Audit Engagement Planning Phase may vary with respect to the Regular Branch Audit (RBA), Global Thematic Reviews (GTR), Local Thematic Reviews (LTR) and Special Investigation (SI) of fraud and other irregularities.
The SICO spearheads the planning phase of every engagement, including the performance of walkthrough procedures and analysis of objectives, risks, and controls of the business unit under audit. The SICO ensures the development of applicable audit criteria and appropriate nature, timing and extent of audit procedures, and the preparation of the audit planning memo and the audit work program.
2. Audit Execution and Supervision (65%)
The SICO leads the execution of audit engagements and reviews and supervises the work of the Internal Control Officers. The SICO employs the appropriate audit approach and procedures and ensures adequate documentation of the tests and results. The engagements may include thematic reviews, regular branch audits, special investigations, financial controls audit, information systems audit, process audit, support services audit, compliance audit, program evaluations, etc. The SICO ensures that adequate, sufficient and competent evidence is obtained in the course of the engagement. The SICO manages the progress of the engagement, as well as the relationship and interactions with audit clients.
Reporting and Communication Phase
The SICO conducts detailed review of the sufficiency and appropriateness of audit procedures and evidences supporting the audit ratings, risk opinions, and reportable findings. The SICO is responsible for conducting adequate and methodical analysis of root causes and control weaknesses underlying the opportunities for improvement noted; and provides appropriate, practical, and best-practice recommendations. The SICO leads the preparation and communication of the audit report to various stakeholders, including the conduct of exit conferences.
Follow-Up, Monitoring and Clearance
The SICO is responsible for maintaining and updating the database for audit findings, audit recommendations and management action plans, including goal owners and target completion dates. The SICO coordinates with members of the Management in monitoring the progress of management actions, and regularly prepares reports on this matter for the Management, Risk and Audit Committee, and the VFI network.
Liaison with the Risk and Audit Committee and RAM
The SICO reports functionally to the Risk and Audit Committee, and as such liaises with the committee on a regular basis, and complies with all requirements for the Internal Control Unit’s organizational independence and individual objectivity. The SICO prepares the reports and materials, and presents during the regular quarter meeting of the Risk and Audit Committee.
3. People and Performance Management
The SICO is responsible for managing the Internal Control Officers and their performance, and supervising their day-to-day activities. This includes the formulation of performance and development plans and targets, monitoring the progress throughout the year, and providing feedback and support, as needed. The SICO is responsible for maintaining a high performing and highly engaged and motivated team.
4. Regional Internal Audit Activities
The SICO regularly coordinates with the Regional Audit Manager for Asia, and participates in the activities and projects of the Internal Auditors in the Region and the VFI network. The SICO builds professional relationships with colleagues in the network, and collaborates with the Internal Auditors in the region and network for global thematic reviews and for knowledge and practices sharing, among others.
Other Administrative and Organizational Roles
The SICO leads the periodic reviews of policies, procedures, methodologies, and templates of the Internal Control Unit. The SICO also participates in Management meetings, upon invitation, and participates in institutional activities, projects, and initiatives of WVI and the MFU to the extent allowed by the Internal Audit Charter and by the RAM Asia. This may include developing and delivering workshops or orientations to employees of WVI or MFU, especially on matters related to internal audit activities and areas of expertise of the SICO.
Professional Training and Development
The SICO participates in trainings (internal and external) and other development interventions under the guidance of RAM Asia, as well as completed institution-wide trainings. The SICO participates, and ensures participation of the Internal Control Officers, in the regular training courses of the Internal Auditors in the VFI network and in the region. The SICO undertakes long-term technical proficiency certification programs (e.g., CIA, CISA, CFE) as part of the development plan, and provides support to Internal Control Officers who undertake similar programs.
IV. Knowledge/qualifications for the role:
1. Required Professional Experience
2. Bachelor Degree
3. Preferred Knowledge and Qualifications
Interested candidates are invited to send your CV to the email address: [email protected]
People and Culture Department
World Vision International in Vietnam
Add: 9th floor, Mercury Building, 444 Hoang Hoa Tham Street, Tay Ho District, Hanoi
Tel : 84-24-39439920
We give equal opportunity to every candidate, regardless of religion, race and gender