VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

RFQ: Developing comics for successful stories of Project “Safer cities for girls”

Plan International would like to invite Suppliers who are interested in our service package to develop illustrated stories for Project “Safer cities for girls”. Detailed information and quotation submission instructions are as follows:    

  1. Terms of reference and other required documents can be found via this link.
  2. Quotation submission instructions:
  • If submit directly to Plan International Office: Quotation is duly signed and stamped, sent directly or by express delivery to the following address: 

             Recipient: Ms. Doan Thi Huyen – Administration Department

             Plan International Vietnam Country Office

             6th floor, Capital Building, 58C Kim Ma street, Ba Dinh, Ha Noi

             Tel: 02438 220-661

  • If submit via email: Electronic quotation must be sent from a business email. If sent from personal email, the attached quotation must be printed out on letterhead paper, signed, stamped and scanned and sent to the following address:  [email protected]
  • Quotation must include issue date and month and validity period
  • Quotation must include unit price for each work item and total price
  • Quotation must include other invoice conditions, tax, etc. Note: It should be stated clearly in quotation that “Financial invoice included” (do not use the term ‘VAT’ as some donors do not accept VAT cover) 
  • Quotation must include terms of discounts, bulk discount (if any)
  • Payment terms

Deadline for submission: 23:59’, November 13th, 2023

Heading: Competitive quotation for service package to develop illustrated stories for Project “Safer cities for girls”.  

Please contact the above-mentioned email in case of any clarifications needed.

Organization: Plan International
Application deadline: 2023-11-13
Send application to: [email protected]