VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

Consultant for video production and editing


Consultant for video production and editing

December 2023 – September 2024


PATH is awarded funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) / Vietnam to implement the USAID/PATH “Support for Technical Excellence and Private Sector Sustainability in Vietnam” (STEPS) project over five years, from 2021 to 2026. The overall goal of this project is to increase market growth for private sector HIV goods and services that are capable of meeting the needs of populations facing the greatest HIV risks. In order to achieve this goal, STEPS and its partners focus on achieving outcomes linked to the following three objectives:

  • Objective 1: Strengthen total market for HIV commodities and services.  
  • Objective 2: Increase operational and financial sustainability of social enterprise/private sector service providers.
  • Objective 3: Improve enabling environment to support private sector HIV-related goods and services as part of a sustainable national HIV response.

Under objective 2, STEPS supports marketing and capacity-building for its partners. There is a need to hire a consultant to support the production and editing of communication and education video clips.


Number of working days: up to 40 days from December 2023 to September 2024. The consultant will support STEPS to produce and edit video clips. Key tasks are as follows:

  1. Work with STEPS on the development of video scripts, storyboards, and technical aspects to produce complete videos that meet the project’s requirements of standards.
  2. Design/draw graphics, animation, and transition to edit/refine existing video clips to increase their quality based on guidance from STEPS.
  3. Others as discussed and agreed.

Activities and deliverables


Detailed deliverables


Monthly deliverables and reports

End of each month


The closing date for application is December 4, 2022. Applicants should submit their application package to Ms. Khanh Le via email at [email protected]

Organization: PATH
Application deadline: 2023-12-04
Send application to: [email protected]