WWF-VIET NAM: CALL FOR PROPOSALS - "Organizing TOT training courses on environmental education and reducing ocean plastic waste for teachers and key staff in coastal provinces/cities" (Extension of Deadline)
WWF-Viet Nam, Plastics Project would like to request proposals from eligible consultants who are interested in providing a service package "Organizing TOT training courses on environmental education and reducing ocean plastic waste for teachers and key staff in coastal provinces/cities".
Details of the ToR and instructions can be found at: https://vietnam.panda.org/get_involved_vn/jobs_vn/?382955/WWF-Vit-Nam-Mi-np--xut-T-chc-cac-khoa-tp-hun-TOT-v-giao-dc-moi-trng-vung-duyen-hi
Interested consultants submit proposals to WWF-Viet Nam via email to: [email protected], and copy to: [email protected], with the title “FY24-1071-HSDX-[ten Tu van]- “To chuc cac khoa tap huan TOT ve giao duc moi truong, giam rac thai nhua dai duong cho giao vien va can bo cot can tai cac tinh/thanh vung duyen hai”.
The maximum capacity of each email WWF-Vietnam can receive is 25MB.
Interested Companies are recommended to use attached forms to structure your Proposal.
Only the shortlists will be contacted. The deadline for receiving applications is 17:00 of February 02 2024.