USAID Partnership for Higher Education Reform (PHER)
for international expert to provide technical assistance on
Quality Assurance Methods for Evaluating Online Courses
to Vietnam National University – Hanoi (VNU)
The Partnership for Higher Education Reform (PHER) is a five-year initiative to help strengthen Vietnam's leading public universities. The project activities are funded by USAID to support targeted reforms to improve institutional leadership and administrative capacity, improve teaching practices to enhance student learning outcomes, elevate university research capacity to international standards, network Vietnamese researchers to maximize access to global knowledge, enable university graduates to better engage with the labor market, and help university faculty to leverage their research for innovation.
To achieve these objectives, PHER activities focus on :
The PHER project also seeks deeper exploration of policy areas vital to the improvement of Vietnamese public higher education by supporting analytical work on the areas of technology and digitization, as well as gender equity. These cross-cutting policy areas are essential to success across the four pillars and to support the long-term sustainability of higher education reforms in Vietnam.
PHER focuses on reforms at three major Vietnamese public universities and their member universities and respective institutes and academic programs:
Covid-19 and the rapid shift to remote education accelerated the growth in online and blended learning across the world. With digitization sweeping higher education, there is a pressing need for universities in Vietnam to adapt while ensuring the quality of outcomes. Indeed, the application of information technology in education and training is now a policy priority in Vietnam. A national strategy for digitization in higher education aimed at 2030 is articulated in the Prime Minister’s decision number 131/QD-TTg.
There have been several notable barriers to online education in Vietnam. First, public opinion regarding online education is largely negative, with a pervasive belief that online and blended learning are low-quality and inferior to in-person learning. Second, there are regulatory restrictions to the remote delivery of degree programs. The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) has capped the number of online credits at 30 percent of the total required credits for a 120-credit hour degree program. To begin exploring the possibilities for fully remote university instruction, VNUHN received government approval in 2023 to pilot online education beginning with remote delivery of the core courses required at all member universities. This is potentially a first step toward exploring fully online degree programs at universities in Vietnam. It is clear that any online degree program will eventually need to meet quality standards through accreditation. For this reason, the partner universities of PHER seek support for assuring quality of online programs.
PHER seeks an international expert qualified to provide two packages of technical assistance. The first package will support the Institute of Education Quality Assurance (INFEQA-VNU) in reviewing and revising its draft quality assurance procedures for online course evaluation. These include the INFEQA criteria, tools, and guidelines for evaluating online courses. The second package of technical assistance will support the University of Engineering and Technology (UET-VNU) by providing feedback for two of its existing online courses.
The work of this assignment should be conducted in English. Translation and interpretation services will be supported by PHER as needed. All activities should ensure equitable treatment irrespective of gender, disability or ethnic background.
The work should take place between February, 2024 and November 2024 with specific dates agreed among PHER, the partner institutions, and the chosen expert. In addition to preliminary online work with the universities, the expert will lead and conduct an in-person technical mission to Hanoi to work directly with faculty and staff at INFEQA-VNU and UET-VNU.
The primary responsibility of the expert is to support INFEQA-VNU in developing a set of quality assurance criteria, tools, and guidelines for online course evaluation to build a core group professionals capable of adequately applying the quality assurance principles on online course evaluation and (2) UET-VNU improves their online/blended courses for better quality.
See the table below for specific tasks, deliverables, and a tentative timeline for the assignment of expert:
Tasks | Output/Deliverables | Tentative timeline | Level of effort (Days) |
1. Engage in online TA launch meeting with INFEQA-VNU and UET-VNU | 01 outline of technical support for INFEQA and UET-VNU | March, 2024 | 1 day |
2. Lead 01 webinar to introduce NSQOL standards (US) for: (1) Quality Online Teaching (2) Online Program (3) Online courses to the core group of INFEQA |
Topic 1: Introduce National Standards for Quality Online Teaching: Topic 2: National Standards for Quality Online Programs: Topic 3: National Standards for Quality Online Courses:
| 3rd-4th week March, 2024 | 0,5 days for preparation
0,5 day for webinar |
3. Lead 02 pre-mission online coaching sessions
| April, 2024 | 1 day for preparation 0,5 day for coaching session to INFEQA-VNU 0,5 day for coaching for UET-VNU |
4. Provide in-person training workshops to introduce the core principles of online course evaluation for INFEQA-VNU and their member universities on:
| May- June, 2024 | 1 day for preparation 2 days for in-person training |
5. Lead 02 in-person coaching sessions for INFEQA-VNU and UET-VNU |
| May- June, 2024 (in conjunction with on-site trainings in Task.4 ) | 1 day for preparation
2 days for INFEQA-VNU
1 day for UET
6. Lead 04 post-mission online coaching sessions:
| Aug-Nov, 2024 | 1 day for preparation 1 day for coaching session to INFEQA-VNU HN 1 day for coaching for UET |
7. Write final comprehensive report | 01 final report with recommendations ( template to be provided) submitted to the Project management team | Nov-Dec, 2024 | 1 day |
Total working days | 15 days |
The consultant(s) will work under the direction of the PHER team and INFEQA.
Applicants should submit separate financial and technical proposals describing the approach to expected interventions along with the proposed consultancy fee (daily rate).
The application documents include:
Application documents should be sent to [email protected] titled “IQA Consultancy for Online Courses Evaluation Application” no later than 16 February, 2024. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.