USAID Partnership for Higher Education Reform (PHER)
for international expert(s) to provide technical assistance on
Learning Outcomes Assessment for Academic Programs
with three public higher education institutions:
The Partnership for Higher Education Reform (PHER) is a five-year initiative to help strengthen Vietnam's leading public universities. The project activities are funded by USAID to support targeted reforms to improve institutional leadership and administrative capacity, improve teaching practices to enhance student learning outcomes, elevate university research capacity to international standards, network Vietnamese researchers to maximize access to global knowledge, enable university graduates to better engage with the labor market, and help university faculty to leverage their research for innovation.
To achieve these objectives, PHER activities focus on:
The PHER project also seeks deeper exploration of policy areas vital to the improvement of Vietnamese public higher education by supporting analytical work on the areas of technology and digitization, as well as gender equity. These cross-cutting policy areas are essential to success across the four pillars and to support the long-term sustainability of higher education reforms in Vietnam.
PHER focuses on reforms at three major Vietnamese public universities and their member universities and respective institutes and academic programs:
Student learning is the bedrock of academic instruction. Measuring the skills, abilities, knowledge or values that students should be able to demonstrate after completing a lesson, course, or program is essential for determining quality of instruction. This gets at the heart of what many institutions define as student-centered learning. Clear articulation of learning outcomes helps determine what a student should learn and how to assess what they learn. Course design must be developed according to expected learning outcomes to help students focus on essential aspects of instruction in a subject or methodology. Analysis of student learning outcomes helps university leaders and accreditation agencies evaluate the effectiveness of their programs and institutions, helping to identify quality gaps and develop strategies for continuous improvement. Ensuring that universities systematically collect, process, analyze, and respond to data about student learning is a critical part of quality assurance. Universities must demonstrate to external accreditation agencies and internal university leadership that they have a systematic way of assessing, collecting, and analyzing information about student learning.
There are many forms of assessment, but these all begin with development of learning outcomes for each class, course, and program. The most commonly applied framework for developing a roster of learning outcomes for higher education instruction and programming is Bloom’s Taxonomy: remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create. Such a framework is typically organized and implemented through curricular mapping to distinguish which courses emphasize introductory learning outcomes, reinforcement / practice of learning, and mastery of a subject matter or skill set. The taxonomy and organization are often applied through embedded assessment practices (direct and indirect) and milestone frameworks. Like many countries, Vietnam has developed a national qualification framework that standardizes expected learning outcomes and skills acquisition for various professions and degree programs. For Vietnam, given that the accreditation mandate in higher education requires regular external review of all academic programs, universities must be able to demonstrate a systematic approach to measurement of learning outcomes, and whether curricula and content enable students to achieve the stated / intended learning outcomes. The universities have been developing degree program learning outcomes and relevant assessments, and seek guidance to ensure that the current practices will be the most effective.
The PHER project seeks an international consultant(s) to provide technical assistance to IQA staff from VNU corporate level and the UD and member institutions by providing training, coaching, feedback, comments and recommendations to help universities review their existing learning outcomes assessment practices, ensure that each university has a systematic way of developing outcomes and documenting measurement practices, procedures, and tools to assess learning. Ultimately each university should develop a guideline for their own systematic process for documenting the learning outcomes of all students. This assignment ultimately contributes to building accreditation readiness while strengthening institutional performance management systems.
The work of this assignment should be conducted in English. Translation and interpretation services will be supported by PHER as needed. All activities should ensure equitable treatment irrespective of gender, disability or ethnic background.
The timing is negotiable but the work is expected to commence in February 2024. Working days are planned for both face-to-face and online working sessions over the period February to November 2024. The expert will lead and conduct in-person technical missions to 3 partner universities and their member universities (MUs). Further details to be provided below.
The primary responsibility of the consultant(s) is to offer technical assistance, ensuring that the participating universities successfully develop tools, procedures, and guidelines for assessing program threshold learning outcomes and graduate attributes.
See the table below for specific tasks, deliverables, and a tentative timeline for the assignment of consultant.
Tasks | Output/Deliverables | Number day of effort | Tentative Timeline |
1. Online meetings with PHER and 3Us | Outline of technical support for 3Us and their Member Universities | 1.5 day | Feb- Sept, 2024 |
2. Lead 03 webinars to share and review existing frameworks, tools, assessment procedures and protocols related to program learning outcomes
| 1 day for VNU
1 day for the UD
1 day for VNUHCM | Feb – March, 2024 |
3. Lead 03 pre-mission online coaching sessions :
| 1 day for VNU
1 day for VNU HCM
1 day for the UD | March 2024 |
4. Provide on-site training to 3Us on:
| (1) Training agenda and materials for 3Us (2) 01 narrative report for VNU HN trip (3) 01 narrative report for VNU HCM trip (4) 01 narrative report for the UD trip | 2 days for on-site training preparation
2 days on-site training for VNU
2 days on-site training for VNU HCM
2 days on-site training for the UD
| April- 1st May, 2024 |
5. Lead 08 in-person coaching sessions to support the participating universities to revise/develop their tools, assessment procedures and protocols related to program learning outcomes
| April-May 2024
(in conjunction with the on-site training in Task.4 ) |
6. Lead 08 post-mission on-line coaching sessions to provide comments, feedback, and recommendations on the 1st draft of participating universities revised/developed tools, assessment procedures and protocols related to program learning outcomes
| June – August, 2024 |
7. Lead 08 on-line summative coaching sessions to provide comments, feedback, and recommendations on the 2nd draft of participating universities revised/developed tools, assessment procedures and protocols related to program learning outcomes |
| September – October,, 2024 |
8. Write final comprehensive report | 01 final report with recommendations ( template to be provided) | 2 days | Dec 2024 |
Total | 38.5 days |
The consultant will work under the direction of the PHER team and 3Us.
Applicants should submit separate financial and technical proposals describing the approach to expected interventions along with the proposed consultancy fee (daily rate).
The application documents include:
Application documents should be sent to phe[email protected] titled “IQA Consultancy for Learning Outcome Assessment Application” no later than 20 February, 2024. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.