VUFO NGO Resource Centre

Old Job details

Request for Expression of Interest - FAO Soil Health Project

Scope of Services

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), intends to pre-qualify a group of organizations in a timely manner, and potentially solicit proposals from them shortly thereafter.

The services/outputs being sourced are:

  • Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the policies of land use management 2010 – 2020 in Viet Nam
  • Conduct a comprehensive analysis of research and monitoring of soil quality, and soil fertility enrichment concepts in Viet Nam
  • Draft a National Plan of Soil Health Management (NH-SHM) following healthy soil – healthy plant – healthy people as one health approach
  • Finalize the National Plan after consultation with relevant stakeholders
  • Develop a draft Project Proposal for prioritized activity of the national plan
  • Consolidate and finalize the training curricula and materials
  • Provide training on "Soil Health Management" for policy makers, researcher and farmers to roll on the NH-SHM
  • Build up an online knowledge bank for trainers, learners, policy makers, farmers, and other relevant users
  • Provide training on using the online knowledge bank.

Mandatory minimum requirements

In order to qualify, the organizations intending to participate must meet the following requirements:

  • Not be currently suspended or debarred by FAO, any other UN organization, the EU or the World Bank.
  • Service provider has at least 5 years of experience in providing technical assistance in policy formulation and capacity building in agriculture
  • Service provider is a non-profit organization.

Selection Process

At this stage, FAO is prequalifying organizations potentially suitable for providing the required services. Interested parties that pre-qualify may be requested to submit an offer that will be considered in a combined technical and financial evaluation process, and they should be ready to submit such proposal within a week from FAO’s notice of prequalification.

Procedure for submission of EOI:

In order to be considered, all replies to or questions about this notice should be submitted as soon as possible uniquely through the following channel of communication:

to FAO in Viet Nam via email ([email protected]) with a title of email:

Application for FAO Soil Health Project

Your final reply to this notice should be received no later than 5 PM, 13 November 2024 (Vietnam time)

Click HERE for detailed Request for EOI


Organization: FAO
Application deadline: 2024-11-13
Send application to: [email protected]