Under the framework of the project Technical Assistance Project on Capacity Building for Prevention and Reduction of Child Labor in Vietnam (ENHANCE), funded from the US Department of Labour, since 2015, the International Labour Organization (ILO) has been in cooperation with Ministry of Labour Invalid and Social Affair (MOLISA) to carrying out activities in three interconnected components: capacity building, awareness raising and direct intervention in three provinces and cities: Hanoi, Ho Chi ...
Organization: ISC.
Category: Consultant.
Post date: 2022-11-15.
Application deadline: 2022-11-29
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Photography Services A. About ISC The Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC) is an international non-governmental agency working to unleash the power of people to transform their communities in the face of climate change. ISC’s mission is to support communities, cities, and industries worldwide to address environmental, economic, and social challenges to build a better future shaped and shared by all. B. Background Aiming to strengt...
Organization: ISC.
Category: Consultant.
Post date: 2022-11-15.
Application deadline: 2022-11-29
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Communications Materials Design for a Gender Equity Campaign A. About ISC The Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC) is an international non-governmental agency working to unleash the power of people to transform their communities in the face of climate change. ISC’s mission is to support communities, cities, and industries worldwide to address environmental, economic, and social challenges to build a better future shaped and shared by all. B. &...
Organization: ISC.
Category: Consultant.
Post date: 2022-11-15.
Application deadline: 2022-11-30
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Decarbonization Pathway A. About ISCThe Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC) is an international non-governmental agency working to unleash the power of people to transform their communities in the face of climate change. ISC's mission is to support communities, cities, and industries around the world address environmental, economic, and social challenges to build a better future shaped and shared by all. B. Background Aiming to str...
Organization: ISC.
Category: Consultant.
Post date: 2022-11-15.
Application deadline: 2022-11-30
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Boiler Feasibility TA Project A. About The Institute for Sustainable Communities The Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC) is an international non-governmental agency working to unleash the power of people to transform their communities in the face of climate change. ISC’s mission is to support communities, cities, and industries around the world address environmental, economic, and social challenges to build a better future shaped and shared ...
Organization: DAI.
Category: Consultant.
Post date: 2022-11-15.
Application deadline: 2022-11-29
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) FOR Lodging and meeting package USAID Sustainable Forest Management Project Request for Quotation No. SFM-RFQ-2022-046 Issuance Date: November 15th, 2022 Closing Date: November 29th, 2022 The USAID Sustainable Forest Management Project (the Project) is a 5-year project funded by the United States Agency for International Development in Vietnam. The Project will work with the Government of Vietnam (GVN) to reduce carbon emissions associated with deforestation, t...
Organization: WWF.
Category: Consultant.
Post date: 2022-11-15.
Application deadline: 2022-11-29
WWF-Viet Nam, USAID Biodiversity Conservation would like to invite consultants who are interested in our tender package: " Consultant to assess the current operation of Multi-Agency Taskforce (MAT) and training needs, support to address the crime of forest and wildlife in Lam Dong”. Detailed information of the announcement can be found here: WWF- VIET NAM-MOI NOP HO SO DE XUAT: DANH GIA HIEN TRANG VAN HANH VA NHU CAU DAO TAO, HO TRO DE GIAI QUYET TOI PHAM VE RUNG VA DONG VAT HOANG DA TAI LAM D...
Organization: WWF.
Category: Consultant.
Post date: 2022-11-15.
Application deadline: 2022-11-29
WWF-Viet Nam, USAID Biodiversity Conservation would like to invite consultants who are interested in our tender package: " Self-defense skill training for rangers of Cat Tien National Park”. Detailed information of the announcement can be found here: WWF- VIET NAM (DANG LAI)- MOI NOP HO SO TU VAN DAO TAO KY NANG TU BAO VE CHO CAN BO KIEM LAM VQG CAT TIEN_FY 22-0494 BCA | WWF (panda.org) HOW TO APPLY: 1. Please send the electronic proposal to WWF-Viet Nam’s designated mailbox at gam.pha...
Organization: CSIP.
Category: Consultant.
Post date: 2022-11-15.
Application deadline: 2022-11-24
BIDDING PACKAGE: “UPGRADE AND EQUIPMENT FOR MEETING ROOMOF NATIONAL ACTION CENTRE FOR TOXIC CHEMICALS AND ENVIRONMENTAL TREATMENT (NACCET) Centre for Social Initiatives Promotion (CSIP) is a science and technology organization under the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations. CSIP promotes development of social enterprises and social initiatives by building a social entrepreneurship movement in Vietnam and in the SEA region. Established in 2008, CSIP aims to provide direct i...
Organization: GIZ.
Category: Intern.
Post date: 2022-11-15.
Application deadline: 2022-12-05
INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITY As a federal enterprise, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH supports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. On behalf of the German Government, GIZ currently provides advisory services to the Government of Viet Nam in three priority areas: Vocational training, Environmental policy and sustainable use of natural resources, and Energy. For further informatio...